
Respect, a word that is seldom used anymore
It should be practiced by all and not just for show
The world would be different if we just respected each other
It seems all we know now is to insult and hurt one another

It really doesn’t matter who, what or why?
It's inhuman to make fun of those who suffer or die?
Acceptance and tolerance it’s all the same
The fact that we can sink this low, is a shame

Internet comics and trolls think they're so bold
In truth they’re insensitive, and their hearts are ice cold
Humor maybe relative, but it can cut like a knife
Who ever said that a joke, couldn’t take a life?

We see it over and over and we do nothing at all
The hateful and offensive ideals all over our walls
Hundreds, thousands even millions already suffer
Life is already tough, so why make it tougher?

Nobody has a right to disrespect a person’s beliefs
We need to take action and stop all the grief 
Lets not make fun of races, ethnicity and religion
Instead listen, understand and learn 

So think about the things you say and share  online
And think about the effect it may have on someone else’s mind
It’s not about being sensitive or politically correct
It's being caring, tolerant and simply showing a little respect


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