Mental Health

We all battle demons in our minds 

Anxiety and depression are so unkind

We all go through dark times in our lives 

And our support systems help us thrive 

Whether it's friends, family, or even a Pro

They are integral in helping us to grow

in making sure we continue to fight 

And helping us through the sleepless night 

Overthinking is one of the worst parts 

It can hurt so bad it'll tear you apart

Getting lost in our own heads is bad too 

It's like watching reruns of all we've been through 

We go over it all more than we should 

And all the bad stuff outweighs the good

We all have our go-to coping mechanisms

And we run to them for temporary escapism

Some people endure, it makes them strong 

Others reach out, and that's never wrong 

A selfish few sometimes take advantage

The kindness they offer can feel like a bandage 

But they prey on our ability to think and cope 

And give us all a false sense of hope 

But there are a selfless few out there 

And they are the ones that really care 

When we're at our weakest and feel all alone 

We must remember, we are never on our own

And there are always people willing to help us 

Friends, family, or professionals we can trust 

But mental strength also  lies in our own hands

And It's normal that some really don't understand 

That taking time off is okay and much needed

To deal with problems that are truly deep seeded

It's okay to reach out for a shoulder to cry on

Just one person who is willing is better than none

So please take your time to reflect, talk and heal

The more you dedicate, the better you'll feel 

In the end, just make sure you do it for yourself 

Cos nothing is more important than mental health


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