
Showing posts from February, 2017

Valentine's Day

They say it's a day for celebrating love in its purest form, and the courtships blooming all around is the norm being in love is a wonderful thing, it's a beautiful feeling it's so powerful that either extreme will have you reeling Valentine's day, a commercial buffet of chocolate and flowers cards, dinner for two and romance sprouting all over for hours candles and hearts decorate the entire world, specials all around couples holding hands and gazing into each others eyes so profound But then, there are those who don't get to celebrate love people who always get hurt when push comes to shove the ones left nursing broken hearts everywhere all alone feeling the extreme of love, they wish they'd never known There are some who feel that love escapes them looking on in envy of every couple they see before them there are those who've never experienced love at all they look on and wonder what it might be like to fall Love should be felt and ce