
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Ugly Truth

Take a good look at the world today, At this once beautifully mysterious place Does everyone have to continue living in fear? Is this truly what any 'God' in any religion wanted for the world? We live in a world full of hate, pain and evil Honestly, how can people be so ignorant? Intolerance is a horrible thing, Why can't the people get along and live together? How can we as humans spread so much hate? Why are we afraid of people who are different? There are people suffering and  dying for nothing all over the world The rich live and the poor struggle to survive The extremists kill and terrorize in the name of 'God', The innocent who pray and worship the same 'God' suffer and die How ignorant can people be? just because others are different And because others have different beliefs and choose the way they live Innocent lives lost, and nobody does anything about it, That's the sad truth, all these questions go unanswered Doesn't anyone our so called l