Our Gem of an Island

What the hell is this country coming to? why are we turning a blind eye to the atrocities that keep happening? children are being abused and killed, women are being raped, murders all over the place, blatant disregard for human life on roads? is it just me or has Sri Lanka  'evolved' so much that human beings, have become unbelievably stupid?

Let's begin with the number of road accidents that have been happening over the last month or so, all because of stupid drivers with no patience, because everyone has to be in such a damn hurry, that they don't realise other lives are in danger. The worst of the accidents thus far, involved two buses and a defender. Whoever was driving the defender, was on the wrong side of a singular white line and was speeding toward a blind bend. And for what? what was the point of that? so many died, so many were injured, and it all could've been prevented.

Staying on the topic of road accidents and road rage, there have been several incidents as of late where drivers either with no control over their tempers or suffer from severe psychological issues, have blatantly put other peoples lives at risk, just to assert their so called 'dominance'. What gives you the right to take the law in to your own hands? I don't care who you are, who you're connected to? you are not above the law.

As a driver, there have been countless occasions where I have run into stupid drivers on the road, who I have admittedly yelled at and  pointed fingers at and no matter how tempted i am to run someone over or beat someone up, purely because of their stupidity, I wouldn't chase someone and maliciously ram them. The worst part of all of this, is that some of these drivers manage to escape what should be criminal charges. If you chase someone down and run them over, regardless of any provocation, is that not attempted murder?

The amount of cases that we're hear in the news is horrendous, but then there are those we don't hear about. People in our country often hide in shame instead of reporting to the authorities that they have been abused or hurt. We need to put an end to it, and teach these predators a lesson. One such way to end the problem is to teach our children right from wrong and how to treat people with compassion and not be abusive.

The problem now is, its not just our women that these so called predators molest and abuse, more and more cases of rape and abuse of men are coming out. The worst thing for me, is the pain and suffering caused to our children. How can anyone in their right mind, even imagine doing these horrible things to anyone, especially a defenseless child. Predators who prey on men, women and children should be either imprisoned for all eternity or put to death. 

There's a song by Tupac Shakur called 'Keep ya head up', where he says the following,

And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?

I think it's time to kill for our women
Time to heal our women, be real to our women

Seldom do you find words with such depth and meaning in modern music.

Personally all these atrocities that happen a caused by a lack of proper education. in  People are still very backward in this country, yes, there is education in this country, but its not enough, rural people aren't educated properly and that what our government needs to act upon.

Our gem of an island, plagued by war for 30 years, voted for change,  and now there are more people being killed,  people thinking they're above the law. Children being abused, women being raped and beaten, religious and racial extremists and rampaging drivers.

If we really wanted this country or even this world to change, we as a people have to change.  We have to change how we treat each other,  we have to realise that above all else, we are human beings.

We're all the same, there is no difference between us, We should be helping not hating, bettering not battering, educating, not abusing. It's the only way anything can change.


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