Nice guys finish last

Everyone wants to be the good guy or the hero,
although sometimes it might not be right,
sometimes its being the one nobody cares about,
the one who everyone steps on and uses at work,
the one who never has good luck with relationships
the one who is always the third wheel, the chaperon,
the one who hold's the door open for everyone
the one who sometimes feels being alone, is best 
seldom does being the good guy actually mean anything
he's the guy that sits at the bar all by his lonesome,
the broody one, who his friends always complain about
but no one approaches because he looks like an outcast
the shy one who doesn't know what to say to the girl he likes
the one who loses out to the guy with deep pockets,
good looks, broad shoulders and a six pack
the one who walks away and disappears without a trace
the one who gets left behind, because he doesn't play politics
he's the honest one and oddly the lonely one,
the recluse, whose best friends are silence and alcohol
he's Clark Kent, and everyone around looks for Superman
the good guy with the heart the size of the moon,
the one that cares for others more than he does himself,
and when his job is done, he'd like to ride off into the sunset,
like in movies,where the good guy always wins even if he doesn't
he's the best at hiding all the pain, pretending his past is behind him
the one who in his heart and mind, defines a phrase of old
the one who knows in his heart, that nice guys always finish last


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