
Intimidating, sad, unhappy and moody
scary, a loner, depressing and broody
melancholy, angry, stupid and lazy
a doormat, unlucky, fat, slow and ugly

On the flip side, gentle, charming and funny
a real nice guy, stoic, warm and fuzzy
an em-path, a listener and a loving friend
a teddy bear, caring and loyal till the end

Now, before you cringe at the words you see
these are words people use to describe me
It's like I'm two people, polar opposites at that
but there is only one of me and that's a fact

Most times now people only see me frown
because of heavy thoughts that weigh me down
people think I'm scary and don't really approach
and some think my heart is too easy to poach

Some people think  I'm obsessed with my past
that I let it control me and that I'm being daft
it's funny to me how things can be assumed
but I guess I cant let myself get consumed

See, I've made mistakes like anyone would
and I've paid my dues like everyone should
people have hurt me, but I'm not a victim
my own decision caused it all, not them

Words are power to me, they can start war
poetry and certain music is emotionally raw
that's why I write about the things that I do
It's all based on experience and feelings true

I post songs and poems with words that apply
but people tend to judge without asking why
I guess that's normal, it's what humans do
but actions backfire when not thought through

So before you judge, come and ask me first
and hopefully I can quench your curious thirst
remember, at the end of it all, I'll always be me
and what you get, isn't always what you see


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