
Unrequited love is the worst kind of pain
It hurts so much it can drive us all insane
Nothing blinds more than one’s own heart
Especially when the battle is lost from the start
It's almost crippling and it always ends in sorrow
You're just a victim of Cupids misguided arrow
Falling in love shouldn’t ever be regretted
Even when it’s someone you never expected
It's like they don't see you for who you are
But when you open up its like they don't care
The heart wants what it wants and that’s okay
Some just aren’t going to feel the same way
It's just something that was never meant to be
No matter how right it felt, they just can’t see
They just don’t feel the same as you feel
Even if in your heart it all felt so real
You end up on the sidelines with nothing to show
And become just another person that they ignore
That’s just how life goes; you can’t force its hand
Sometimes things just don’t go as planned
To those who’ve been there, don’t be ashamed
Maybe someday you’ll meet one that feels the same
And hopefully, then, you're heart will be acquitted,
From the burden of love, that’s always unrequited


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