Taken for granted

It's a given that in life, people always come and go,

some stay forever, others for just a moment or so,

Either we don't understand or see their full potential

And at the time, we're closed to their credentials

There are people who genuinely open their hearts

And with certain people, we don't know where to start

we just assume that they'll always be there for us

through thick and thin without putting up a fuss

But the sad fact is after that initial seed is planted

these are the same people, that we take for granted

we don't realise they may not be around too long at all

and when we reach for them, we'll most likely fall

Fact is, sometimes we need that support in our lives

especially as we get older and it gets difficult to survive

we make harsh decisions and leave good people without a word

they've moved on, and you haven't even heard

Some just text and ask ' hey, how was your day?'

or 'wanna catch up for a drink or dinner someday?'

we don't respond because we're ignorant and blind

They don't have bad intentions, they're just being kind

Life is way too short to ignore these genuine hearts

especially when they've been there from the start

keep this mind the next time someone reaches out

take a few minutes and maybe give them a shout

At the end of the day when you need a shoulder to cry on

and those you hold dear, aren't there for you lean on

then you'll know how it feels to be alone and unwanted,

wishing they were around and that you never took them for granted


  1. Always love the way you put your thoughts into words. Waiting for your book to come out one day.


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