Against the Ropes

Each morning, the beginning of the next round
The fight with life, the hardest around 
It'll beat you, bloody you and hurt to no end
And all you can n do survive and find a way to mend

Your life is what you make of it they say
But we know that  a little luck goes along way 
On a rare day, life retreats and we go on the attack 
But then as we let our guard down, life hits back

In life and in boxing,  landing punches is a must 
Because if we don't, we just end up eating dust 
Sometimes life does knock us down hard 
And while wounds heal, we'll always be scarred 

Like the cutmen in the corner, we have our friends 
We trust and hope that they'll be there till the end
But we can't depend on them cos they fight battles of their own.
So sometimes it's left to us to fight life all alone

We make bad choices and play catch up all the time 
And following our hearts, is truly our only crime 
We will get hurt but we should never lose hope 
Especially when life has us with our backs against the ropes 


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